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Clifton Falls: A Zombie Story [Part 1] Page 3

  Blake never drove to work unless it was necessary. Like, if he needed his car to drive somewhere else during the day or if the weather was bad. But today the sun didn’t look like it was going to fade.

  He stared up at it, squinting before removing a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket, putting them on to walk towards his front gate. And, with his lunchbox tucked under an arm began the two-mile walk to the factory. He believed the exercise made him feel great, but today felt he could walk a thousand miles and still feel great.


  He closed in on a large sign standing by the side of a country road, looking up at it to see the words – Clifton Falls Agriculture Farming Company – with an arrow pointing in the direction of where he was about to walk. He smiled and casually carried on, closing in to see around ten staff members waiting to be let inside the factory gates; smiling again after seeing how excited they were.

  “Bloody hell! You lot are eager to get some work done.”

  Todd Kumar, a tall, stocky, Indian male, turned away from another worker to close in on Blake.

  “You told us to be here early. So here we are,” he said in a deep husky voice.

  “Did I give you a time?”

  “No,” Todd replied quickly.

  “So, what time did you arrive this morning?”

  “Four o’clock.”

  “You’re joking…We never come into work that early,” Blake said, feeling sad that his staff had been waiting hours. “When I said come in early, I meant about seven.”

  He felt like apologising but Todd suddenly laughed, followed by outrageous roars from the other nine people.

  “Yeah, I’m joking,” Todd said, still giggling. “We’ve only been here for ten minutes…”

  The others pointed fingers at Blake to show they had pranked him, leaving him biting his tongue as he reached for the padlock key.

  “…It’s about time we got one over on you.”

  “Todd, yes, you got me,” Blake said, tapping him on the arm. “I just hope your victory will inspire you all to get the job done today?”

  “Yes, boss,” Todd replied. “We’re looking forward to seeing what the fertiliser can do.”

  Blake nodded as he inserted the key. “Right, in we go.”

  He unlocked the main gate and watched the others walk towards the factory; catching them up to let them in to see them position into groups like they knew what was expected. Blake didn’t need to interfere with their daily routines. That task was down to Todd. So, he waved and aimed for his office.


  Thirty minutes went by before the faint sound of a delivery truck was heard in the distance, gradually increasing until the big machine arrived at the factory gates. Blake saw it from his office window.

  “We should be receiving fifty fertiliser sacks,” he shouted towards his staff, leaning out of the window. “So you’re gonna need at least two wooden pallets.”

  He shut the window and returned to his desk, reaching for the phone with a huge grin. He dialled a number and sat down, hearing a faint murmur arrive from the other end; the person sounding like they’d just woken up as the word - ‘Hello,’ was slurred.

  “Hey, baby, did I wake you?” Blake asked, close to laughing. “It’s gone half seven. You should be up by now.”

  “Why didn’t the alarm clock go off?” Karen asked, sighing sleepily. “Did you forget to reset it again?”

  “Yes, I did. That’s why I’m calling, to remind you to get up.”

  “Jeez! Blake! One of these days you’ll forget and make me late for work.”

  “Baby, that will never happen.”

  “Good…And anyway, how come you sound like you’re in a good mood this morning? Did you have a good night?”


  Blake tried his best to worry Karen into thinking he was disappointed by her seduction techniques, but he couldn’t keep up the pretence.

  “…It was a great night…I didn’t know you could do those things with your tongue…Have you been watching porn again?”

  “Blake!” Karen shouted, becoming alert. “You know I don’t watch that type of stuff.”

  “I know…I’m kiddin’.”

  “I should ask you the same thing, considering what your tongue did…I’m surprised you’re able to speak today after the exercise it got.”

  Blake almost choked after hearing the delivery truck come to a standstill in the yard, followed by his workers talking amongst themselves.

  “Sorry, love. I’ve got to go,” he quickly said, rising from his seat. “We’ll finish this conversation later.”

  “Blake, not again…You always do this. Talk rudely on the phone to make me hot-and-bothered then hang up.”

  “Sorry, babe. The delivery has just arrived…Love you. Bye.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tonight…Love you back.”


  Blake left the building.

  He walked towards the truck; seeing the driver standing next to it smoking a cigarette as the staff unloaded the fertiliser.

  “Alright, pal,” he said, closing in on the man. “Do you know if this stuff’s as good as they say it is?”

  The scruffy, stubble-faced driver flipped the cigarette from side to side between his lips, staring at Blake before removing it to spit on the ground.

  “Yeah, man…I’ve heard it does what it says on the packet…They’ve been testing it for months inside some giant greenhouse in the city, but I don’t know where…I think you’re the first ones to try it out.” The driver grinned like an evil henchman before spitting on the ground again. “You’re gonna be a fuckin’ guinea pig.”

  “Wow! I feel highly honoured.” Blake laughed.

  “Too right you are, pal.”

  Blake turned to see Todd double-checking the number of sacks on the pallets; his smile indicating that the full fifty had been unloaded as he signed the delivery note. He walked past Blake, peeling off a copy to hand back to the driver before seeing him grunt and nod as he returned to the lorry. He slammed the door shut as he sat down.

  “I’m off!” he shouted; placing a hand through the open window to produce a thumbs-up sign. “I’ve got deliveries to finish.”

  He started the engine and slowly departed out of the yard.

  “He was a bit of a dick,” Todd said, sighing.

  “He sure was,” Blake replied, looking at the fertiliser. “Okay, Mr foreman, time for you to organise the workers…I want this stuff on the fields before the end of today.”

  “You want all fifty spread out?”

  “Nah…Start small…I need to see if it works before using all of them.”

  “Okay…We’ll use around twenty or so, get the large field sorted.”

  Blake smiled as bodies flowed towards the palettes; some to remove bags for the field while others to take the rest to the storage barn.

  Now the work would begin to destroy the insects.


  Karen had been employed at the National Bank for the past two years and was one of the cashiers who’d witnessed the awful murder on Christmas Eve when the violent robbery took place. Her nightmares about that day hadn’t eased since. Many a night she would wake dripping in sweat; her nose tingling after smelling the unwashed odour the robber with the bags gave off. She had seen the workplace return to as normal as could be but her mind still spurted out memories. Even though the bank had put up new security cameras and sensors, it still wasn’t enough to stop her from worrying about her safety. She feared it could happen again.

  Karen also had a work-related problem to deal with and it came in the shape of her boss. Vincent’s manner had changed dramatically since the robbery. He’d flipped from being a pleasant man to an obnoxious sex pest in the past month but, if anyone complained, he would blame it on the knock on the head. Karen hated the way he used sexual gestures towards her, especially when attempting to persuade her to go out for a drink, but the threat of telling Blake always made him back down.
r />   She looked up from her cashier’s desk to see him walk by; fearing he wanted to say something. But he turned and walked away without saying a word. His silence freaked her out.

  She returned to doing what she was doing but the sound of his footsteps closing in again annoyed her to stop, causing her to shiver.

  “Karen! May I see you in my office for a minute,” he creepily asked, as other staff members cringed. “I’ve got important information to discuss with you.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right there,” she nervously replied, slowly exiting her seat.

  She smiled at the staff members before walking past to follow Vincent towards his office; mumbling the words – Grunting old fool – as she neared. She was happy he never heard.

  “Please, sit down,” he said, pulling back a chair. “There’s something I need to ask you?”

  Karen’s heart beat faster as the words floated in the air.

  She scanned the room, feeling trapped being alone with him; his gentle, polite approach causing her to worry.

  If he’s about to say something resembling a sexual act then I will tell Blake this time.

  Vincent smiled at her as she sat down.

  “I’ve just heard there’s a new type of fertiliser being delivered to your husband’s works today…”

  Karen squinted at him as he walked towards his desk, feeling stunned that he chose to mention what was going on with Blake rather than throw rude gestures at her. She disliked Vincent for talking about rude things to offer her but for him to change the subject in favour of discussing fertiliser had now lowered her self-esteem.

  Maybe he’s thinking of harassing another female colleague instead of me? she disgustingly thought, watching him sit down. I suppose I should be grateful.

  “…Do tell,” he said, grinning like someone who’d just won some money.

  “Yes, I know of it…He received the delivery this morning,” Karen replied, leaning forward in her seat. “Why are you so interested in the stuff?”

  “I’m interested because I want to grow vegetables in my garden. However, I can’t until those pesky plant bugs are eliminated…They keep spoiling my chances of achieving it.” Vincent frowned before adding, “I’ve heard the fertiliser kills them.”

  “Does it?... I have no idea what it does. I’m only the wife.”

  Vincent giggled.

  “Would it be possible to have a word with Blake, see if he can be so kind as to spare me a bag? I’ll pay whatever it cost…Could you do this for me please, my dear, and tell me what the outcome is? …Thank you, that’ll be all. You can go now.”

  Karen was left flabbergasted for not being able to get a word in; feeling annoyed with herself for allowing him to answer for her.

  She exited her seat and walked towards the door.

  “I’ll ask him, but I don’t know if he’ll have any spare to sell you,” she said, opening it. “I’ll let you know.”

  Inwardly she was fuming - Who does he think he is? Demanding I ask my husband to save him a bag of fertiliser…The man’s got a cheek.

  “And don’t forget to mention the bit about me paying…I’m sure you could do with some extra pennies,” Vincent shouted out as Karen left the room.

  What’s he going on about this time? Extra pennies?

  Karen still couldn’t believe that he’d not tried to be obscene in a sexual nature, but he did make up for it by making her feel small.

  She walked towards the cashier tills to see no customers inside the bank before doing a U-turn and aiming for another room; glancing through a small window in the door to find it empty. She opened it and entered, reached for her phone and called a number.

  “Hey, sex machine. Have you missed me?” she said, as the phone was answered on the other end.

  “This is a surprise at ten o’clock in the morning. Anything wrong, love?”

  “No, no. Everything’s okay…Did you get the delivery sorted?”

  “Brilliant. Exactly the fifty sacks they said we were going to get…Now we’ve some spare for later on in the season.”

  Karen paused, wondering whether to tell Blake that Vincent was an utter twat.

  She listened to him talk some more about feeling excited to have the fertiliser until his tone made her grin. But his happiness was making it harder for her to mention what Vincent asked her to do.

  “So, you have some left then,” she rushed out.

  “Yes…Why?” Blake seemed confused. “This isn’t like you, Karen, wanting to talk about a grubby bit of compost instead of mentioning how shiny your new fingernails are.” Blake laughed. “What’s going on? Do you want some?”

  “Very funny…” Karen smirked. “I was just wondering if you could spare a bag for Vincent. That’s all…He wants to try the stuff in his garden…I think he wants to grow the world’s largest marrow.”

  Blake sighed.

  He was normally a stickler for abiding by the rules but Karen’s words got him thinking.

  “Is he gonna pay for it?”

  “Oh yeah! He said he’d pay whatever it cost to get his hands on the stuff, and I mean, whatever it cost…He’s that desperate for it.”

  “Okay…Tell him to get in touch. I’ll see if I can come to some kind of arrangement.”

  “Will do... I’ll speak to you later.” Karen paused. “Oh, what do you want for dinner tonight? …We could eat out?”

  “Yeah, eating out sounds like a good idea.” Blake smiled. “We can celebrate in advance the success of the fertiliser.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Karen switched off her phone, smiling as she left the room. She walked back to Vincent’s office, accidentally disturbing him as he talked to someone on a video call; seeing him smirk as she mimed – Blake said to call him – But, as she turned around again to leave, heard Vincent roar with laughter as he returned to his call.


  Twenty minutes passed before Vincent ended the call, but he suddenly became nervous as he searched for Blake’s number. His hand shook with excitement as thoughts of holding a bag of the new wonder growth pumped up his adrenaline; feeling the hairs on his arms rising as the number was found.

  He dialled it and grinned, already guessing Blake would say ‘yes, as his heart slapped against his chest faster than the sound of the ringtone.

  “Hello, B-b-blake,” he stuttered, as the phone was answered. “It’s Vincent Smythe here…Your wife’s boss.”

  “Yeah,” Blake replied. “She mentioned you wanted to speak to me.”

  “Yes, indeed I do.” Vincent’s eyes lit up like a child’s on Christmas morning. “She has informed me that you may be able to offload one of your new fertiliser bags…Is that correct?”

  “Yes. Something like that.” Blake walked over to the window to see the yard empty of sacks, smiling because everything was running smoothly. “I may have a spare bag, but It’ll cost you.”

  “I did tell her I would gladly pay…How much?”

  “A hundred should do it plus letting her leave early this afternoon…If you can manage that then the bag is yours.”

  “You don’t want much,” Vincent said sarcastically; sitting back in his seat to scratch his chin. “Okay. It’s a deal…Are you able to deliver the product to me?”

  “If you want it then you’ll have to pick it up…Make it around twelve.”

  “Sure thing. I can do that…I’ll see you then.”


  Blake wiped the sweat from his brow as the morning’s sunshine warmed up his office, but gave in to turn on a small fan resting on a table nearby. He sat back, letting it flip his hair from side to side as he sipped his coffee; reaching out to click his computer mouse to save the morning’s paperwork to a file before rising from his chair. He gazed out of the window again to see Todd in the yard giving out orders, so waved at him and smiled before moving away to finish off his drink. He placed his face in front of the fan again until the wind sparked him into life before taking a deep breath and casually strolling t
owards the door. He exited the room, walking past staff until reaching the main entrance; stepping outside to feel the sun on his face before shouting out to Todd.

  “Hey, boss, is everything okay?”

  “Yep. All’s good,” Blake replied, looking out towards the fields. “How’s it comin’ along? …Do you think we’ll have it completed by the end of today?”

  Todd nodded. “Don’t panic, boss. Have I ever let you down?”

  “Good point.” Blake laughed. “If this stuff is as good as they say it is then we’re going to have a fruitful rest of the year.”

  The thought of the company achieving something huge again brought with it a large smile as Blake reminisced on the farm’s previous success. The company meant a lot to him so he needed the fertiliser to work. Maybe then the rumours of a possible closure would stop.

  “This stuff they put in the fertiliser,” Todd said, reaching for a wheelbarrow. “Do you know what it is?”

  “Nah…I don’t care what’s in it as long as it does what it’s supposed to.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Todd lifted the handles on the barrow, slowly walking it away from Blake. “We should get it done by four o’clock.”

  “Good…But I won’t be here then.”

  “Why’s that?” Todd asked, stopping in his tracks.

  “I’m taking Karen out for a meal. She’s got the afternoon off.”

  Todd nodded.

  “It’s not like you to want time off, especially with what’s going on today…Are you celebrating something?”

  “Yeah. We’re celebrating a better future…Plus, she also needs pampering sometimes.”

  “Cool…Cool…I take it you want me to lock up?”

  “Yep…Use the spare set of keys. I’ll leave em’ on my desk.”